Saturday, 21 June 2014

Dashboard Setup

NetSuite Basics Overview

Welcome to NetSuite! When you log in to NetSuite, you see a set of tabbed pages. NetSuite calls these tabbed pages a center. Your assigned role determines which center you see.
NetSuite Basics includes information about the tasks that are common to most NetSuite users, regardless of their role. Instructions for specialized tasks are contained in other parts of the documentation

The following are some other basic NetSuite tasks that are described in detail:

Customizing Your Dashboard – Your dashboard is a collection of portlets that contain business information that is important to your job. To set up your dashboard go to Home > Personalize Dashboard. In the Add Content panel that appears, choose the information to include on your dashboard. A portlet appears for every item you click or drag and drop. You can customize an individual portlet by clicking Set Up in the portlet.

Personalizing DashboardsNetSuite provides a default set of dashboard portlets for each tabbed page in each center. This default dashboard configuration is largely personalizable. With the exception of the Setup page, and the Settings portlet and a few other required portlets for other pages, NetSuite allows you to change almost completely your dashboard content.
You may want to personalize only your Home page dashboard, or you also may want to change dashboards on other pages that you use frequently. In addition to changing page content, you can go to Home > Set Preferences to set personal preferences such as color scheme that apply to all pages.

Note:If your administrator has published a dashboard for one of your tabbed pages, you may not be able to personalize that page's dashboard yourself. If the published dashboard is in Locked mode, you cannot make any changes to its content. If the published dashboard is in Add/Move Content mode, you can add or move portlets, but you cannot remove portlets from the dashboard. However, you can still set personal preferences.

If you are an administrator, you can personalize your dashboard and then share it with users whose roles share your center. For information, see Publishing Dashboards Overview.
To view dashboards that have been personalized for particular roles, see Example Personalized Dashboards.
You can personalize a dashboard in the following ways:

Add content to a dashboard - Click the Personalize Dashboard link in the Settings portlet or in the top right corner of the page.
On the Add Content panel that appears on the left side of the page, click on content to add it to a default location on the page, or drag and drop content to add it to another location.
Content may be available in the following categories: Standard Content, Report Snapshots, and/or Trend Graphs.
Content that is already displayed includes a check mark and bold text.
You can roll your cursor over a folder or content listing to see popup help.
For information about standard content, see Dashboard Portlet Types.
For information about report snapshots, see Report Snapshots Overview.
For information about trend graphs, see Trend Graphs.

Delete content from a dashboard - Click the X in a portlet's upper right corner to remove the portlet.

Setting Up Searches and Reports – NetSuite provides powerful search and reporting tools to help you access and view data in your account.


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