Saturday, 21 June 2014

FAQ: SuiteAnalytics (Dashboards, Search & Reporting)

What is a dashboard?

The collection of tabbed pages in your NetSuite user interface is your dashboard. This collection includes a Home page, and other pages that vary according to the role you use to log in to NetSuite. Your dashboard content is displayed in portlets, dynamic data display windows. See Dashboards Overview.
If you want to publish dashboards to users of multiple centers, you need to log in with a role that uses each center to create the dashboard to be published to each center's users

How can I set up my NetSuite interface to see the same tabs and organization as an administrator?

NetSuite centers have been designed to display different tabs for different roles in order to accommodate the workflow of different users. For example, a sales person role displays the Sales Center when logged in, which includes tabs for Leads, Prospects, and Customers.
NetSuite provides a Use Classic Interface option to allow users to see the same tab navigation as an administrator. This navigation includes the following tabs: Home, Activities, Transactions, Lists, Reports, Setup, and Support tabs, followed by any custom tabs. Note that the functions available to a role do not change according to the interface being used; only the presentation of tabs and the organization of functions within tabs are affected.

To switch your interface to show the same tabs and organization as an administrator role:

  1. Navigate to Home > Set Preferences.
  2. Click the Appearance subtab.
  3. Under Centers & Dashboards, check the Use Classic Interface box.
  4. Click Save.
The Use Classic Interface option is not available for the administrator and full access roles, because these roles already use the classic interface.

How can I change the fields available in my Quick Add portlet?

The fields in the Quick Add portlet for each standard record type are based on the Quick Add fields defined for the user's preferred record type form. Quick Add fields on standard forms are system-defined. Quick Add fields on custom forms can be modified. Users with sufficient permissions can customize a form by clicking its Customize button, or by going to Customization > Forms > Entry Forms (or Transaction Forms for Opportunity), and selecting the Edit link for the form. To indicate that a field should be included in the Quick Add portlet, check its box in the Quick Add column on the subtabs of the Fields subtab (or Screen Fields subtab for Opportunity).
By default, only the Name field is provided for custom record Quick Add portlet data entry. To allow data entry for other custom record custom fields, you can enable the per field Allow Quick Add option. Each field with this option enabled displays in the Quick Add portlet. By default, this option is not enabled.

How do I create custom KPIs?

NetSuite's standard KPIs may not include some data that you would like to display in summary form, as a key performance indicator, on your dashboard. In this case, you can find a preexisting saved search that compiles this data or create a new saved search for this purpose. .
Once you have identified or created a saved search with the data you want, you can define the saved search as a custom KPI to be displayed in the Key Performance Indicators portlet.

To display a saved search as a custom KPI in the Key Performance Indicators portlet:

  1. Click the Set Up link in the Key Performance Indicators portlet.
  2. On the Key Performance Indicators subtab of the Set Up Key Performance Indicators page, click Add Custom KPIs.
  3. Find and click on the saved search that you want to show as a KPI in the portlet, then click Done.
  4. Click Save.
You can display up to ten custom KPIs in each Key Performance Indicators portlet. For more information, see Adding a Custom KPI to the Key Performance Indicators Portlet.
You also can display saved searches as custom KPIs in these other portlets:
  • You can define up to ten custom KPIs to be used in each KPI scorecard's calculations. See Using a Custom KPI in a KPI Scorecard.
  • Custom KPIs displayed in the Key Performance Indicators portlet also are available for display in KPI Meter portlets. You can display up to three KPI meters on a dashboard. See KPI Meters.
  • You can add up to five Trend Graph portlets to a dashboard. Any or all of these can display custom KPI data. See Setting Up Trend Graph Portlets.
Custom KPI definitions for individual KPI scorecards, the Key Performance Indicators portlet, and Trend Graph portlets are all independent of each other.

How can I compare KPI results for more than two date ranges or periods?

For each KPI that you choose to display in the Key Performance Indicators portlet, you can select two date ranges or periods for which to display summary results. This capability allows you to compare results for two date ranges or periods
If you want to display KPI results for more than two date ranges or periods, you should create a KPI scorecard. Each scorecard can include multiple lines of KPI data, and thus comparisons for multiple data ranges or periods. See

How can I fix unexpected errors in the Key Performance Indicators portlet?

If you log into NetSuite and find an unexpected error in your Key Performance Indicators portlet, the problem may be related to custom KPIs you have set up. Typically the error message indicates the KPI that is causing the error. You can remove the custom KPI from the portlet, then review the saved search to correct the problems.

To remove the unexpected error:

  1. Click the Set Up link in the Key Performance Indicators portlet.
    If there is no Set Up link, copy and paste the following URL into a new tab or window:
  2. Click the x button next to the problematic KPI and click Save.
  3. Back on your Home dashboard, you should now be able to see your KPIs in the Key Performance Indicators portlet.
If you continue to get an unexpected errors even after logging out of NetSuite, clearing your cache, and logging back in, then please contact Netsuite Customer Support for further investigation.

To review the saved search on which the custom KPI is based:

  1. Navigate to Lists > Search > Saved Searches. Try running the saved search used in the custom KPI to see if the error reproduces.
  2. If the error reproduces, try to rebuild the saved search and see if the problem persists.

Why are shortcuts duplicated when I publish a dashboard?

When a user publishes a dashboard to other users, NetSuite always retains each user's personal shortcuts in each destination dashboard, even if the publisher has enabled the option to override existing user's settings. Some users may have created personal shortcuts identical to those in the published dashboard. The published dashboard's shortcuts are added to each user's personal shortcuts rather than overwriting them, so shortcuts may be duplicated for some users when a dashboard is published.
If you have duplicate shortcuts in your dashboard, you can remove your personal shortcuts to eliminate duplicates.

To remove a shortcut:

  1. Click the Shortcuts portlet's Set Up link to open the Set Up Shortcuts popup.
  2. Clear the Enable box next to each shortcut that you want to remove.
    Note that shortcuts that were created when a dashboard was published to you appear with asterisks. The publisher may have restricted these shortcuts so that you cannot remove them.
  3. Click Save

How can I display search results on my home dashboard?

If you have access to a saved search, either because you created it, the saved search is public, or you are a member of its audience, you can display the saved search results in a Custom Search portlet on your dashboard. Each Custom Search portlet displays results for a saved search that you select. Results are updated every time the page loads. The portlet also has a Refresh link that you can click to update search results.

To add a Custom Search portlet to your dashboard:

  1. On the page where you want to display saved search results, click the Personalize Dashboard link.
  2. In the Add Content panel, under the Standard Content folder, click or drag and drop the Custom Search item.
  3. In the Custom Search portlet, click the Set Up link.
  4. In the Custom Search Setup window:
    1. Select a saved search from the Search dropdown.
    2. In the Results Size field, enter the number of results you want displayed at one time in the portlet. If the total number of results exceeds this number, a From-To dropdown appears in the footer that you can use to navigate among results pages.
    3. In the Drill Down field, select whether to open an individual result in the portlet or in a new page when you click an Edit or View link.
    4. (If the Inline Editing feature is enabled) Check or clear the Allow Inline Editing box to indicate whether records returned as search results can be edited directly in the portlet.
    5. Click Save.

To provide quick access to saved searches:

If you not need access to full search results on your dashboard, you can use the following alternatives for quick access to saved searches:
  • Include summary results for saved searches on your dashboard, by defining them as custom KPIs, and displaying them in Key Performance Indicators, KPI Scorecard, KPI Meter, or Trend Graph portlets. 
  • Add links to saved search results pages in your dashboard Shortcuts portlet. 

How can I display results from more than three saved searches on my dashboard?

You can display saved search results on your dashboard by adding a Custom Search portlet. Currently, you can add only three Custom Search portlets to a home page dashboard. However, if you would like to display results for more than three saved searches on this page, you can do one of the following:
  • Display an additional saved search in a list portlet
  • Set up a custom tab for your standard home page where you can add more search portlets
  • Create a new custom tab and designate it to be your landing page instead of the standard home page.

How can I prevent users from inline editing search results in Custom Search portlets?

If the Inline Editing feature is enabled in your account, inline editing is available by default for all records displayed in Custom Search portlets. However, each Custom Search portlet has an Allow Inline Editing setup option that you can use to enable or disable inline editing for specific portlets.

To disable inline editing for a Custom Search portlet:

  1. Click the Custom Search portlet's Set Up link.
  2. In the Custom Search Setup window, clear the Allow Inline Editing check box.
To limit other users' inline editing of custom search portlets, you can disable the Allow Inline Editing option for these portlets in personalized dashboards that you publish to users.

Why can't I email or export search results?

If you need to email or export search results, but you do not see Email and Export buttons on your search and saved search results page, you may require a higher level of the Perform Search permission.
The Perform permission has two possible levels, View and Full. If you have View level for the Perform Search permission, you can run searches, and create and run saved searches, for record types to which you have access. If you have Full level for the Perform Search permission, you can run, export, and email searches, and create, run, export, and email saved searches, for record types to which you have access. Export and email buttons are available on your search and saved search results pages when you have Full level for this permission.
If you want to set up scheduled or alert emails of saved search results, you must have the Create, Edit, or Full level for the Perform Search permission.
Contact your account administrator for changes to your permission levels.

Why can't I make my saved search public?

You must have at least the Create level of the Publish Search permission in order to share a saved search with other users. If you do not have this permission level, the Public check box and the Audience subtab are not available on your saved search definition pages.
Administrators have this permission by default but most other roles do not. Contact your account administrator for changes to your permission level.

How do I allow other users to subscribe to my saved search?

If you are an administrator or have at least Create level of the Publish Search permission, you can enable system-generated search email messages. You can define whether to send saved search results email according to a regular schedule, as alerts triggered by record adds or updates, or both.
You set up saved search email on the Email subtab of a saved search page. This subtab includes two recipient subtabs where you can specify the other users who should receive search results email. For details, 

How can I make my saved search results available to users who do not have permissions to the underlying records?

You cannot make saved searches available to users who do not have the required permissions. However, you can lift restrictions on saved search results. 
Check the Run Unrestricted option on the Results subtab of a saved search definition page to make the saved search results available to users normally restricted from viewing the underlying records.
If you do not want viewers of an unrestricted saved search to drill down into detailed data, be sure to check the Disallow Drill Down box. For example, the transaction saved search described above should have the Disallow Drill Down option enabled, to prevent sales reps from drilling down into details of individual transactions from summary-level search results.
Users without the correct permissions will still be unable to view the search results.

Why has the scheduled email for a saved search suddenly stopped?

Either of the following circumstances can cause scheduled saved search email not to send:
  • The saved search owner has been changed to a user who has not previously scheduled a saved search.
    For scheduled email for this saved search to resume, the new owner needs to log in with the appropriate role and resave the search.
  • The saved search owner no longer has login access to the NetSuite account, for example if the owner has left the company.
    For scheduled email for this saved search to resume, an account administrator must change the owner, and that user must log in and resave the search

Why doesn't my search filter show in the footer of my results?

When you add a filter to search results, you must be sure to set the filter to appear in the footer of the results.

To add a filter to the footer of search results:

  1. Run the saved search, and on the results page, click Edit this Search.
  2. Click the Available Filters subtab.
  3. In the Filter column, select the field you want to use to filter the saved search.
  4. Check the box in the Show in Footer column.
  5. Click Add.
  6. Repeat these steps for each filter you want to add to the report.
  7. Click Save.

Why doesn't my transaction search return any values for Opportunity fields' results?

Opportunity fields in a transaction search return data only for opportunities that are linked to other transactions where the transaction linked is the criteria for the search. To return all opportunity data, use an Opportunity search instead of a transaction search.

For item searches, what is the difference between the On Hand and Location On Hand fields that can be used as search criteria and results?

On Hand is the total on hand quantity of the item on ALL locations. Location On Hand refers to the specific on hand quantities per location.
This distinction also applies to the following pairs of fields:
  • Available and Location Available
  • Average Cost and Location Average Cost
  • Back Ordered and Location Back Ordered
  • Committed and Location Committed
  • On Order and Location On Order
  • Preferred Stock Level and Location Preferred Stock Level
  • Reorder Point and Location Reorder Point
  • Total Value and Location Total Value

Why doesn't my transaction search return any values for Created From fields' results?

If you select Created From field as results for a transaction search, line-level fields do not return values, because the join from a transaction to its source transaction's Created From fields is at the main body level and not at the line-level.
In some cases, you can define Applied To Transaction fields as results in order to return values for line-level fields. For example, if the source transaction for an invoice is a sales order, Applied To Transaction fields, the join between the two transactions is at the line-level, so values are returned for line-level fields. However, if the source transaction for an invoice is an estimate, the join is at the main body level, so values are not returned for line-level fields.

How can I include line numbers in my transaction search?

To improve the readability of transaction line items, you can include line numbers in transaction search results by adding the Line Sequence Number field as a result on the Results subtab of the search definition page. This field represents the internal sequence number stored for each transaction line.
Note that line numbers are not guaranteed to be in order, even if results include all lines of a transaction. To make line numbers contiguous in search results, add a Formula(Numeric) field as a results field on the search, with the following formula expression:
RANK() OVER (PARTITION by {internalid} ORDER BY {linesequencenumber})
Note that you can create a line number custom formula field and apply it to transaction forms to display line numbers on viewed and printed transactions. For instructions,  If you are using this type of field and you also want to include the line number in search results, set up the search as follows to ensure that search results match viewed and printed transaction items:
  • Set a criteria of Main Line = No (false).
  • Filter out transaction line items related to taxes.
  • Add the Item field as a results field.
  • Add the Amount (Gross) field as a results field; do not use the Amount field.
  • Add a Formula(Numeric) field as a results field, with the following formula expression: RANK() OVER (PARTITION by {internalid} ORDER BY {linesequencenumber})

What formula can I use to return values for one search results field when the value of another field is minimized or maximized?

If you want to return the amount of the most recent transaction for a customer, for example, you can use complex dense_rank syntax in a search formula. However, the When Ordered By Field on the Results subtab of advanced search and saved search records provides an alternative. You just need to select the results field for which you want to return a value, select a Summary Type of Minimum or Maximum, and select the field that you want minimized or maximized as the When Ordered By Field.

How can I narrow results for my global search?

The Search field in the upper right corner of every NetSuite page allows you to enter keywords for searches of all NetSuite records.
To speed your global searches, you can include a prefix in keywords to narrow the search by record type. A search prefix is made up of all or some of the letters of a record type plus a colon or a caret, for example, you could use it: to search for items. For more details, 

Why does my global search for an exact subcustomer name return no results?

Hierarchical names for child entities such as subcustomers usually contain colons. When you enter a name of this sort as global search keywords, the search usually returns “no results found”.
This result occurs because global search treats a colon as a type specifier. When you enter a hierarchical name, the first part of the name is treated as a NetSuite record type. For example, if you enter Company1:Company1A, global search looks for a record of the Company1 record type, with the name Company1A, and because this record type does not exist in your system, no results are found.
To avoid this problem, you can:
  • Enter a non-hierarchical name, for example Company1A, or
  • Add a space immediately before the colon, for example Company1 :Company1A.
    In this case, the colon is treated as a normal keyword separator instead of a type specifier and the search returns both the parent customer record and the subcustomer record. (If a string includes spaces or hyphens between words, global search treats each word as a separate keyword and results return exact matches per keyword.)
    You can add a type specifier as needed, for example, enter
    cu:Company1 :Company1A.

Can global search return matches to fields other than record name and ID?

Global searches generally return only records that have name or ID field values that match the entered keywords. However, some custom fields also may be indexed for global search, so that records with indexed custom field values that match keywords are returned for global searches.
For details

Can I change the columns that are included in global search results?

By default, the global search results page displays a system-defined set of columns, and does not provide any filters. System-defined columns vary according to whether results include multiple record types or a single record type, and are different for each record type.
To customize results columns for global searches that include a single record type, you can use a simple search customization page, or choose an existing saved search definition.
Global search results that include multiple record types cannot be customized. You can use prefixes to limit results to a single record type. 

How do I use the Inline Editing feature?

NetSuite's Inline Editing feature enables you to edit records directly from lists or search results, so you can change fields without having to open individual records. Also, you can edit multiple records simultaneously by using keyboard commands.

To turn on Inline Editing:

  1. Navigate to Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features.
  2. On the Company Tab, under Data Management, check the Inline Editing box.
  3. Click Save.
Inline Editing is available on the following lists:
  • Campaigns
  • Cases
  • Contacts
  • CRM Tasks
  • Customers
  • Employees
  • Events
  • Issues
  • Items
  • Leads
  • Partners
  • Phone Calls
  • Projects (Jobs)
  • Prospects
  • Solutions
  • Transactions
  • Vendors
On these lists, you can turn on the Inline Editing feature by clicking the Inline Editing button to set it to ON. Then editable fields include a pencil icon in their column headings. You also can identify editable fields by placing the cursor on them. A field is editable if the cursor turns into a hand when on the field.
  • To edit a field, click on the field, and enter the new value. Press TAB or Enter, or click away from the field, to save the change.
  • You can undo changes made from inline editing one cell at a time. To undo a change you have made, click on the field, hold down the CTRL Key and press the letter Z (Ctrl + Z).
  • To move right for the next editable column in a list, press TAB.
  • To move back to the previous column, hold down SHIFT and press TAB.
  • To move one line down to the next record in a list, press Enter.
  • To move one line up to the previous record, hold down SHIFT and press ENTER.
  • To edit one field across multiple records, click on the field in the first record you want to change.
    • If the records are listed together, hold down the SHIFT key and click the same field on the last record to select all fields for that series of records.
    • If you want to select records individually, hold down the CTRL Key and click the same field individually for each record you want to edit. When the fields for the multiple records are selected, enter the new value, and press TAB or Enter to save the change.
      At this time, only multiple fields in the same column can be edited. Multiple fields across different columns cannot be edited simultaneously.
  • To add a new record to a list, check the Show Quick Add box at the bottom of the page. Enter information for a new record at the bottom of a list. When you are finished, click Add to save the record.

Why am I receiving an error saying that I cannot run a report?

To ensure best performance, you are limited to running no more than two different reports at one time. If you attempt to run a third report when two reports are already running, you receive an error message that you cannot run the third report. You can do any of the following to run the report:
  • Wait until one of the other reports has completed, then retry.
  • Cancel one of the other reports, then retry.
  • Save the report, then schedule it to be run at a later time; its results can be emailed to you.
Be aware that you cannot run more than one instance of the same report at one time. If you rerun a report that is already running, the first instance is cancelled.

Why don't I see the field I want to update in the Mass Update Fields list?

To be available for mass update, a field must meet the following criteria:
  • It must support inline editing.
  • It must be displayed on your preferred form for the record type being updated.
  • If it is a standard field, it must be outside of subtab lists and must not have dependencies on other fields.
  • If it is a custom field, it must be stored and must not have a sourcing relationship.

Why am I getting a message that I need to restrict my subsidiary view before I can run a report?

If you use NetSuite OneWorld, some reports support consolidation of results across multiple subsidiaries. You can run these reports to return results from more than one subsidiary at a time, and use the Subsidiary Context dropdown in the footer to filter results to a single subsidiary or to a consolidated rollup of related subsidiaries.
Other reports do not support consolidation and can only return results for one subsidiary at a time. For these reports, you need to set a personal preference to restrict your subsidiary view to a single subsidiary before running the report. You can set this preference at Home > Set Preferences on the Restrict View subtab.

How can I filter report results by periods or dates, and what is the difference between the two?

NetSuite allows you to display and filter report results either by date range, or by accounting period, depending upon your setting for the Report By Period user preference. If you filter by date range, report records are selected by transaction date. If you filter by period, report records are selected by posting period.
Note that the Report by Period user preference is not available unless the Accounting Periods feature is enabled in your account, at Setup > Company > Enable Features, on the Accounting subtab.

To set the Report by Period preference:

  1. Navigate to Home > Set Preferences.
  2. Click the Reporting/Search subtab.
  3. Under Reporting, in the Report by Period field, select from the following options:
    • All Reports - All reports will be run by posting period.
    • Financials Only - Only financial reports can be run by period.
    • Never - All reports will be run by transaction dates instead of posting periods.
4. Click Save.

What is the difference between the Report Builder and the Financial Report Builder?

The Financial Report Builder is a report customization interface for financial statement reports only. NetSuite standard financial statement reports include the following:
  • At Reports > Financial: Income Statement, Comparative Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Comparative Balance Sheet, and Cash Flow Statement
  • At Reports > Banking/Budgeting: Budget Income Statement, Budget vs. Actual, and Cash Statement
The Report Builder is the customization interface for all other NetSuite reports.
Both the Financial Report Builder and Report Builder include pages where you can edit columns, filters, sorting, and more options.
The Financial Report Builder also includes an Edit Layout page where you can view and modify the grouping, ordering, and format of your financial statement's sections and rows. This page is not available in the Report Builder.

Why are inactive classes, departments, and locations listed in the footer filters on my financial statements?

You may think that inactive classes, departments, and locations should not be available for selection in the Class, Department, and Location dropdowns in the footer of your report results page. However, you may want to select these to see historical data and they should be included in order to maintain balance when the All option is selected.

How can I create a matrix report?

NetSuite's standard reports provide subtotals and totals by rows only. The following methods are available for you to create a matrix report, meaning a report that aggregates results both by rows and by columns.
  • You can create an ad hoc report with a matrix format. Go to Reports > New Report, select a metric, and on the New Report page, select the Matrix format and a column to use as the matrix dimension. 
  • You can add column subtotals to a standard report after you have run it. Run the report, select a dimension from the Column dropdown in the footer of the report results page, and click Refresh. The report now includes extra subtotal columns.
    • The data for the selected dimension can be displayed in separate columns for each dimension value, or in a hierarchical manner, with child values grouped under parent values within the same columns. To display data hierarchically, select a (Hierarchy) option from the Column dropdown.
    • The selected column dimension does not get saved with the report, so you must reselect it each time you run the report.
  • When you customize a financial statement, you can add column subtotals that persist each time you run the report. On the Financial Report Builder Edit Columns page, select a dimension from the View Columns By dropdown.
    • The data for the selected dimension can be displayed in separate columns for each dimension value, or in a hierarchical manner, with child values grouped under parent values within the same columns. To display data hierarchically, select a (Hierarchy) option in the View Columns By dropdown.
    • Once you save your customized financial statement, the selected column dimension is saved and will be included each time you run the report.

Why has the running of a scheduled report suddenly stopped?

Either of the following circumstances can cause a scheduled report to stop running according to schedule:
  • The report owner has been changed to a user who has not previously scheduled a report.
    For the report to resume running according to schedule, the new owner needs to log in with the appropriate role and resave the report.
  • The report owner no longer has login access to the NetSuite account, for example if the report owner has left the company.
    For the report to resume running according to schedule, an account administrator must change the report owner, and that user must log in and resave the report.

Can I add a formula field as a column in a a report?

Currently, you can only add a formula field as a report column by selecting from one of the following predefined formats:
  • Sum: x+y
  • Difference: x-y
  • Percent Difference of X: ((x-y)/x)*100
  • Percent Difference of Y: ((x-y)/y)*100
  • Ratio: x/y
  • Percent Ratio: (x/y)*100
  • Multiply: x*y
These formulas use existing report columns as the x and y values. Reports currently do not support the addition of of fields calculated through more complex, customized expressions, such as those that use SQL functions. Searches do support the use of these types of formulas for results and criteria fields.

Are there size limits for report and search results?

Report results are truncated if they exceed the following row limitations. These limits are enforced for performance reasons.
  • For most reports, results are limited to 25,000 rows.
  • For the following reports, results are limited to 75,000 rows :
    • Ad hoc reports
    • A/R Aging
    • Balance Sheet
    • Budget Income Statement
    • Budget vs. Actual
    • Cash Flow Statement
    • Cash Statement
    • Comparative Balance Sheet
    • Comparative Income Statement
    • Current Inventory Status
    • Deferred Revenue by Customer
    • General Ledger
    • Income Statement
    • Inventory Valuation
    • Pipeline by Sales Rep (summary only)
    • Revenue by Customer
    • Revenue Recognition Forecast
    • Sales by Customer
    • Sales by Item (summary only)
    • Sales Orders by Customer
    • Sales Orders by Item (summary only)
    • Scheduled Deferred Revenue
Search execution is not impacted by a row limit, as results are segmented and rendering is simple. However, you may be unable to export search results with large data sets.
If these limits are hampering your ability to access the data you need, you can try filtering report or search data. You also may want to consider purchasing the ability to access NetSuite data through an ODBC connection.

What is a pivot report?

A pivot report is a new type of NetSuite report being introduced as of Version 2011 Release 2. For this release, the Pivot Reports feature is available as a beta version.
A pivot report is based on the results fields and filter criteria defined for a specific saved search. Pivot report results are presented in a matrix, crosstab style, with subtotals across both rows and columns. These results are filtered by the same criteria as the saved search.
A Pivot Report Layout page allows you to drag and drop search results fields to set up the layout for this type of report. You can also preview results and run a report from this page. This layout page is available by clicking the Pivot Report button on a saved search definition page.
The Pivot Reports BETA feature is implemented as a SuiteApp (bundle) that can be installed from the NetSuite Enable Features page. This beta version is intended as an introduction, so you can try out the new user interface and get an idea of what you can produce. This version has a variety of limitations that will be addressed in a future release.

How can I get access to my NetSuite data through an ODBC connection?

The ODBC Connections for Advanced Reporting feature is an add-on module. For additional information, or to purchase this module, please contact your Account Manager.
The ODBC add-on is not available for NetSuite Small Business accounts.

To enable the ODBC Connections for Advanced Reporting add-on feature:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features.
  2. On the Company subtab, in the Data Management section, enable ODBC Connections for Advanced Reporting.
  3. Click the Save button.
Next, you should download NetSuite's ODBC driver. Navigate to the Home tab and in the Settings portlet, click Download ODBC Driver for instructions.
Note that you need the Advanced Analytics permission in order to access the ODBC views available with this feature.
For additional information about using ODBC Connections for Advanced Reporting, 

What can I do when a custom reminder error prevents my Reminders portlet from displaying?

It is possible that an error for a custom reminder that you have added to the Reminders portlet prevents the proper display of the Reminders portlet, so that its Set Up link is not available.
In this case, in order to remove the reminder from the portlet, you can edit the related saved search, clearing the Available for Reminders box. Once you save this change, the problematic reminder should be removed and the portlet should be able to display.
If a custom reminder causes an error that prevents the Reminders portlet from displaying properly, edit the saved search for the reminder to clear the Available for Reminders box. Once you save this change, the problematic reminder should be removed and the portlet should be able to display. (Note that you may need to do some refreshing.)